The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
Proverbs 13:4
I have never lived in another generation than the one that I live in, so it would be fallible for me to compare this generation to another, but I have seen a fundamental shift in the lifestyle of the people around me. There is a laziness that permeates and really defines this generation of young people and old people alike. I have heard it referred to as the “entitlement generation.” We feel that we deserve everything and everything should be handed to us on a silver platter. We view the world as a buffet line in that once we are in the door, we should be able to have anything we see and when we are denied we feel as if we have been stripped of our proverbial “rights”. Our attitude can be summed up in one statement, “the soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing.”
Laziness is not a trait that should define a child of God. My dear friend, the word of God makes one thing very clear, we deserve nothing but death and hell. I am sure it is a sickening feeling the Lord has when He looks at His children who are more than able to work, yet they lay around wasting the energy and time God has given to them. Paul made it clear that if a man refused to work, then he should not eat. If you have the ability to get out of bed and work, that is what you should do. God gave you feet so that you could travel about. God gave you hands so that you could use them. A sluggard is not something that pleases God. He is very plain spoken when He says that they shall have nothing. Oh my friend, are you able to work today? Praise the Lord for the strength to work and then be sure to labor in that position as unto the Lord because God blesses the hand of the diligent.